Step 1: Framing out the benches.
We used 2 x 4 to make U shape frames (three sides of a rectangle) and screwed them to the studs in the wall. (This is so we didn't have to toenail the supports into the back 2 x 4).
We then added a single long 2 x 4 to each front to give the most support/cohesive look. (It also made sure that the separate sections were level with each other. We also added vertical support pieces and framed in the large bench area at the end.
Lastly, we framed in the base of the benches. We could have built these somewhere else and brought them in, but this was a lot easier and it guaranteed that everything was cut to the correct size.
Step 2: Attaching the cushions
We used the inexpensive pillows from Walmart. We landed on this decision after a lot of considerations. This was the most cost effective for the most cushion. I attached the pillows by stapling the edges of the pillow down to cut pieces of plywood.
Step 3: Covering the pillows
I covered the cushions with batting and then with fabric once again by using a staple gun. I stapled one side, stretched the fabric over to the other side and then stapled that side to make sure that it was nice and taut.
This is what it looked like last you saw.
Step 4: Attach plywood to the frames.
For the cushioned plywood on the sides, we attached using hinges so that we could use the inside as storage. The big cushion on the ends got screwed down (There are doors to get underneath but it is too heavy to lift)
For the faces, we had Lowe's cut the plywood down to the correct width and then Nate cut them to the correct lengths. I then attached them using my nail gun.
Step 5: Paint
Step 6: Attach Trim and Make Doors
I made the doors from cut down pieces of plywood (the small pieces) and attached trim around the edges. We then attached them to the base of the big cushion using hinges so that they would lift up so that we could have storage underneath.
For the trim, I cut everything to the correct size and then attached using my nail gun. I then filled the holes and touched up the paint (they were already white)
Here is what we ended up with:
To make it so that the cushions would open, we used white ribbon as the trim to cover the hinges and the gap.
I'm really happy how it turned out. I'm also happy because it really didn't cost a lot to make especially compared to what it would have cost to buy something like this.
Breakdown on cost:
Pillows: $4.50 x 16 = $72
Fabric: $6.00/yard x 4 = $24
Batting: $12
Framing, plywood, screws, staples, hinges: $119
Knobs: $9
Trim and Paint: $60 but we had a gift card so for us it was free.
Total: $253 with taxes

I love it ! Great Job. I like how id didn't cost much too !